Quantum Register with Entangled Fermions

Fermions are the building blocks of matter. Here, we disclose a robust quantum register composed of hundreds of fermionic atom pairs trapped in an optical lattice. With each fermion pair forming a spin-singlet, the qubit is realized as a set of near-degenerate, symmetry-protected two-particle wavefunctions describing common and relative motion. Degeneracy is lifted by the atomic recoil energy, which depends on mass and lattice wavelength, thereby rendering two-fermion motional qubits insensitive to noise of the confining potential. The quantum coherence can last longer than ten seconds. Universal control is provided by modulating interactions between the atoms. Via state-dependent, coherent conversion of free atom pairs into tightly bound molecules, we tune the speed of motional entanglement over three orders of magnitude, yielding 10* Ramsey oscillations within the coherence time. For site-resolved motional state readout, pairs are coherently split into their constituent fermions via a double-well, creating entangled Bell pairs.

Departments: Department of Physics, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Physics
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Electronics & Photonics: Quantum Technology
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • quantum computing architecture based on entangled fermions
    United States of America | Pending

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