Portable Pneumatic Battery: Chemical Power Generation for Fluidic Elastomer Actuators

Soft actuators fabricated from elastomer films with embedded fluidic channels offer a higher level of safety and adaptability in devices that rely upon high-performance actuators. Using a chemically-induced pressure source for power generation in fluidic elastomer actuators can be beneficial in applications including robotics, wearable tactile interfaces, and active orthoses or prostheses.



Daniela Rus / Cagdas Onal / Xin Chen / George Whitesides

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Manufacturing & Equipment
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • self-regulating pressure source
    United States of America | Granted | 9,027,336


This invention uses a mechanical feedback loop to control the chemical decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to self-regulate the actuation pressure. Moreover, this technology uses a chemical approach to achieve portable and silent pressure generation. It specifically focuses on on-demand pressure generation by mechanical self-regulation of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen (O2). With a unique mechanical self-regulation mechanism, this chemical reaction is controlled to keep the pressure constant at a predefined value. The invention includes an elastomeric structure with embedded fluidic channels and a chamber enclosing a chemical monopropellant that acts as a pressure source. As the monopropellant is broken down by a catalyst to produce gas, the pressure will increase within the chamber causing air in the chamber to compress and pull a movable boss into the retracted position to cover the catalyst, thereby regulating the pressure within the chamber. Another key feature is its rotation-invariant usage, which allows the battery to operate in any orientation.

Problem Addressed

In general, fluidic actuators require a pressure source, which is a convenient actuation source as it induces local deformation in a soft substrate. Pressure-induced actuators bypass the need for electrical energy and give a large actuation range limited only by the mechanical strength of the material. However, the need for a pressure source limits the mobility and mainstream usage of fluidic actuators. The current need to develop devices that rely upon new high-performance soft actuators while being low in stiffness and high in adaptability make chemically powered fluidic actuators favorable.


  • Portable and silent pressure generation.
  • No emissions or harmful byproducts.
  • High energy density.
  • No need for high-pressure tanks.


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