Photovoltaics on Paper and Plastic Enabled by Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition (oCVD)

Thin-film organic photovoltaic cells can be applied in existing solar cell applications as well as folded into three-dimensional structures.  




Miles Barr / Jill Macko / Karen Gleason / Vladimir Bulovic

Departments: Department of Chemical Engineering, Office of the Vice President for Research
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics / Energy & Distribution: Photovoltaics
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • conductive polymer on a textured or plastic substrate
    United States of America | Granted | 9,214,639


Conventional transparent electrodes are deposited via sputtering or with solution-processable materials. Both of these methods limit the choice of substrate; however, the proposed method uses oxidative chemical vapor deposition (oCVD), which deposits on virtually any substrate with no pre- or post- treatment. oCVD imparts excellent substrate adhesion through in situ covalent bonding and allows direct control over thickness, dopant concentration, work function, and conductivity. Additionally, the oCVD polymer electrodes retain their electrical integrity even after severe deformation: >1000 flexing cycles at <5mm radius, >100 creasing cycles, and stretching to ~200%.  

Problem Addressed     

Widespread adoption of solar cells is limited by cost per watt, primarily due to high substrate and deposition process costs. This technology is a method to fabricate inexpensive, thin, organic photovoltaics on everyday surfaces such as paper. The cells also have a power-to-weight ratio of over 500 W/kg, which is the main advantage of ultra-lightweight photovoltaics.  


  • No pretreatment steps or protecting layers
  • Power-to-weight ratio over 500 W/kg
  • Flexible, foldable and capable of being cut to custom size
  • Inexpensive  

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