Parameter Space for Jetting in the GI Submucosa


Carlo Giovanni Traverso / Jorrit Water / Jacob Wainer / Brian Mouridsen / Mette Poulsen / Declan Gwynne / Graham Arrick / Cody Cleveland / Drago Sticker / Aghiad Ghazal / Jacob Pyung Hwa Jepsen / Dan Sorensen

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • ingestible drug delivery device
    Australia | Pending
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    Canada | Published application
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    China | Published application
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    European Patent Convention | Published application
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    Israel | Pending
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    India | Published application
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    Japan | Published application
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    Korea (south) | Published application
  • ingestible drug delivery device
    United States of America | Published application

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