Novel Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) Analysis Methods

The disclosure provides various systems and methods for identifying individuals from one or more samples. In particular, improved systems and methods of analysis are provided for handling multiple contributors, as well as systems and methods that model not only individual error rates per locus but factor in amplification of errors induced through PCR cycles. In some embodiments, modeling of error rates can be applied in multi-contributor settings to more accurately establish real alleles from artifacts. Other aspects involve application of sequencing in error modeling. Further, methods are provided for determining the presence of common individual DNA profiles in one or more complex DNA mixtures and for deconvolution of multiple complex DNA mixtures into shared individual components.


Edward Wack / Anna Shcherbina / Brian Helfer / Darrell Ricke / Joseph Isaacson / Adam Michaleas / Philip Fremont-Smith / James Watkins / James Harper / Martha Petrovick / Eric Schwoebel

Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Bioinformatics / Drug Discovery and Research Tools: Genomics & Proteomics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • systems and methods for genetic identification and analysis
    United States of America | Granted | 11,655,498
  • systems and methods for genetic identification and analysis
    United States of America | Published application

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