Methods And Design Of Optical Neural Network
An optical neural network is constructed based on photonic integrated circuits to perform neuromorphic computing. In the optical neural network, matrix multiplication is implemented using one or more optical interference units, which can apply an arbitrary weighting matrix multiplication to an array of input optical signals. Nonlinear activation is realized by an optical nonlinearity unit, which can be based on nonlinear optical effects, such as saturable absorption. These calculations are implemented optically, thereby resulting in high calculation speeds and low power consumption in the optical neural network.
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
United States of America | Granted | 10,268,232 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
Australia | Granted | 2,017,273,863 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
Canada | Published application -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
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apparatus and methods for optical neural network
European Patent Convention | Granted | 3,465,302 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
Japan | Granted | 7,026,057 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
Korea (south) | Granted | 10 -
apparatus and and methods for optical neural network
United States of America | Granted | 10,768,659 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
United States of America | Granted | 11,334,107 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
China | Granted | 0 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
China | Granted | 0 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
Germany | Granted | 602,017,057,014 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
France | Granted | 3,465,302 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
United Kingdom | Granted | 3,465,302 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
Ireland | Granted | 3,465,302 -
apparatus and methods for optical neural network
United States of America | Granted | 11,914,415
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