Method for Quantitative Monitoring of In Vivo Tumor Oxygenation
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #19207JQ
An oxygen sensor is provided for measuring a dissolved oxygen concentration when deployed or implanted at a tissue site. The oxygen sensor includes a solid-state contrast agent for oxygen. The oxygen sensor is configured to indicate the dissolved oxygen concentration of a tissue when subjected to a magnetic resonance-based method. The oxygen sensor may be used to map tumor oxygenation levels and for adaptive planning in brachytherapy.
Michael Cima
Gregory Ekchian
Larissa Lee
Robert Cormack
Ehud Schmidt
Departments: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Sensors & Monitoring / Therapeutics: Cell Based Therapy
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
methods and systems for quantitative monitoring of in vivo tumor oxygenation
United States of America | Published application
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