Method for Forming Structures of Polymer Nanobeads

The disclosure relates to providing printed structures of polymer that have substantially flat printed surfaces. In one embodiment, the disclosure relates to a post-printing treatment apparatus for receiving a substrate supporting a polymer printing thereon. The polymer can be PMMA or other suitable polymer. In a related embodiment, the polymer defines a thermoplastic polymer having a glass transition temperature. The apparatus can comprise of a chamber, and input manifold, an exhaust manifold, a solvent reservoir and a gas reservoir. The solvent reservoir provides one or more solvent systems adapted to chemically bind, and potentially react, with the polymer. The gas reservoir provides one or more gases for drying the substrate and printed polymer after the solvent treatment step. In one application, a substrate having printed surface thereon is placed in the chamber and exposed to the solvent system for sufficient period of time to provide substantially flat print surfaces.


Jianglong Chen / Valerie Leblanc / Eric Lam / Murali Chaparala / Martin Arnold Schmidt / Vladimir Bulovic

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Office of the Vice President for Research
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Polymers
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • method and apparatus for forming structures of polymer nanobeads
    United States of America | Granted | 9,195,004

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