Materials and Methods for Ion Acceleration

Polymeric electro spray emitters and related methods are generally described. In some embodiments, and emitter may be made from an ionic electroactive polymer. The composition of the electro spray emitters described herein may enable the transport of ions and/or liquid ion sources, such as an ionic liquid or room temperature molten salt, through the bulk of the polymeric emitter. In some embodiments, the described emitters may be fabricated using a mixture of an ionic electroactive polymer, a solvent, and a liquid ion source to at least partially mitigate swelling effects of the polymer emitter that may otherwise occur when the one or more emitters are exposed to the liquid ion source during operation.


Brian L Wardle / Michael Canonica / David Krejci / Yue Zhou / Andrew Adams / Paulo Lozano

Departments: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Polymers
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • method and apparatus for a polymer electrospray emitter
    United States of America | Published application

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