Liquid Metal Ejection 3D Printing

Additive Manufacturing

A molten droplet printing system and method can provide molten droplets without surface contact at the time of generation.


Justin Beroz / Ulrich Muecke / Henry Merrow / Caroline Jordan / Kaihao Zhang / Anastasios John Hart

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Composites / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Autonomous Systems, Manufacturing & Equipment
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • liquid metal ejection printing
    United States of America | Published application


Merrow, Henry, Justin D. Beroz, Kaihao Zhang, Ulrich P. Muecke, and A. John Hart. 2020. "Digital Metal Printing by Electrohydrodynamic Ejection and In-Flight Melting of Microparticles." Additive Manufacturing 28: 101075.

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