Identifying and Eliminating Emissive Sub-Bandgap States in Thin Films of PbS Nanocrystals

The size-dependent band-gap tunability and solution processability of nanocrystals (NCs) make them attractive candidates for optoelectronic applications. One factor that presently limits the device performance of NC thin films is sub-bandgap states, also referred to as trap states. Trap states can be controlled by surface treatment of the nanocrystals.


Jose Cordero-Hernandez / Jeffrey C. Grossman / Gyuweon Hwang / Chia-Hao Chuang / Mark Wilson / Donghun Kim / Moungi G Bawendi

Departments: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Chemistry
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics, Semiconductors
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • eliminating emissive sub-bandgap states in nanocrystals
    United States of America | Granted | 10,109,760

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