Hydrogel Components Including Narrowly Distributed Multi-Armed Polyethyleneglycol
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #17843J
Provided herein are narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compounds, and hydrogels containing the same. Also provided are methods for treating, adhering, or sealing a biological tissue with hydrogels, and kits for making a hydrogel. Drug releasing compositions also are provided that include a narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compound.
Natalie Artzi
Elazer R Edelman
Hyun Seok Song
Yuji Yamamoto
Hiroki Yoshioka
Kenichiro Nakamoto
Departments: Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Office of the Vice President for Research
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics: Tissue Repair / Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis, Polymers
Impact Areas: Healthy Living, Advanced Materials
narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compounds, hydrogels, and methods
United States of America | Granted | 10,526,457 -
narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compounds, hydrogels, and methods
European Patent Convention | Granted | 3,355,946 -
narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compounds, hydrogels, and methods
Germany | Granted | 3,355,946 -
narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compounds, hydrogels, and methods
France | Granted | 3,355,946 -
narrowly distributed multi-armed polyethylene glycol compounds, hydrogels, and methods
United Kingdom | Granted | 3,355,946
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