Distributed Sensor Array Quench Detection Method for Superconducting Devices

The present system and method allow for the detection and diagnosis of abrupt changes of a device operating condition using a sensor array disposed in the coolant where the device is located. The purpose of the sensor array is to identify, in real time, abrupt changes quickly and detect the location of the incident. It may be used, for example, for quench detection of superconducting cables and magnets. This system and method are not only limited to use with superconducting conductors such as magnets, power transmission cables, SMES, MRI, motors and generators, but could also be used for any electric devices disposed in liquid or gas. It can also be used for a liquid level meter. Further, this system and method are not limited to low temperature devices but may also be used in room temperature or elevated higher temperature devices disposed in gas and/or liquid.


Departments: Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Quantum Technology / Sensing & Imaging: Chemical & Radiation Sensing
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • distributed sensor quench detection method for superconducting devices
    United States of America | Published application

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