Compact Thermal Neutron Imaging System Using Axisymmetric Focusing Mirrors

A dispersed release of neutrons is generated from a source. A portion of this dispersed neutron release is reflected by surfaces of a plurality of nested, axisymmetric mirrors in at least an inner mirror layer and an outer mirror layer, wherein the neutrons reflected by the inner mirror layer are incident on at least one mirror surface of the inner mirror layer N times, wherein N is an integer, and wherein neutrons reflected by the outer mirror are incident on a plurality of mirror surfaces of the outer layer N+i times, where i is a positive integer, to redirect the neutrons toward a target. The mirrors can be formed by a periodically reversed pulsed-plating process.


David Moncton / Boris Khaykovich / Mikhail Gubarev / Brian Ramsey / Darell Engelhaupt

Departments: Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Electronics & Photonics: Quantum Technology / Sensing & Imaging: Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • compact neutron imaging system using axisymmetric mirrors
    United States of America | Granted | 8,735,844

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