Biodegradable Polymers for Messenger RNA Delivery to the Lung
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #19314
Provided herein are branched poly(beta-amino esters) (PBAE) useful as vehicles for the delivery of therapeutic agents, such as nucleic acids. The disclosed polymers form stable compositions, and are suitable for the delivery of therapeutic agents via nebulization. Compositions of the disclosed polymers are capable of delivering therapeutic agents such as mRNA to lung epithelial cells.
Kevin Kauffman
James Kaczmarek
Asha Patel
Daniel Anderson
Departments: Department of Chemical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: DNA & RNA Editing / Chemicals & Materials: Polymers / Drug Discovery and Research Tools: Genomics & Proteomics / Therapeutics: Nucleic Acids
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
poly (beta-amino esters) and uses thereof
United States of America | Granted | 11,464,860 -
poly (beta-amino esters) and uses thereof
United States of America | Granted | 11,696,953 -
poly (beta-amino esters) and uses thereof
United States of America | Pending
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