All-to-All Coupled Quantum Computing with Atomic Ensembles in an Optical Cavity

A quantum computer uses interactions between atomic ensembles mediated by an optical cavity mode to perform quantum computations and simulations. Using the cavity mode as a bus enables all-to-all coupling and execution of non-local gates between any pair of qubits. Encoding logical qubits as collective excitations in ensembles of atoms enhances the coupling to the cavity mode and reduces the experimental difficulty of initial trap loading. By using dark-state transfers via the cavity mode to enact gates between pairs of qubits, the gates become insensitive to the number of atoms within each collective excitation, making it possible to prepare an array of qubits through Poissonian loading without feedback


Vladan Vuletic / Joshua Ramette / Zachary Vendeiro / Misha Lukin

Departments: Department of Physics
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Quantum Computing / Sensing & Imaging: Optical Sensing
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • all-to-all coupled quantum computing with atomic ensembles in an optical cavity
    United States of America | Published application

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