Sustainability & Accessibility

This website minimizes environmental impact and prioritizes accessibility and inclusion.


We‘ve taken proactive measures to mitigate the environmental footprint of this website and to minimize its impact on the planet. This page presents a sample of our efforts and, as available, associated results.


We optimized images, media, and the website overall to have a lower impact on the planet. On Nov 6, 2023, we tested representative pages of this website using Ecograder. The metrics outlined below illustrate our performance across a range of different areas.


feather icon

Page weight

The average page weight for this site is 1097 KB. That is 67% smaller than the average web page.

icon of mouse clicking in a browser window

CO2 per page view

On average, only 0.34 grams of CO2 are produced per page view on this website, the equivalent of sending an email.

Text reading "73%"

Carbon Footprint

This website is cleaner than 73% of web pages tested with Ecograder.

icon of computer servers and a leaf

Green hosting

The servers that reliably and securely host our website are powered by renewable energy.

icon symbolizing color


We thoughtfully selected the colors on our website to address user experience and consume less energy.

text showing font

Typefaces & fonts

This website keeps the number of custom typefaces and fonts low in order to decrease emissions.

icon of an image

Image sizes & optimization

This website optimizes images to increase loading speed, conserving cellular data, and minimizing carbon emissions.

icon of code brackets

Document Object Model

This website takes a variety of measures to reduce DOM to improve page speed, load and run time, and memory performance.

Accessibility & Inclusion

We maximized the usability and inclusivity of this website by ensuring it has been designed and developed for people of all abilities.


"AA" text symbolizing AA level accessibility

Accessibility compliance

This website meets a set of accessibility guidelines known as WCAG 2.1 AA standards.

icon with contrast symbol

Color contrast

This site uses a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text, graphics, and UI components.

keyboard icon

Keyboard access

Visitors who cannot use a mouse can navigate this website via the keyboard.

magnifying glass icon


This site works well when zoomed in which helps individuals with visual impairments easily read text and view images.

screenreader icon

Screen readers

This website works with screen readers, which convert text to audio for individuals with visual impairments.

icon of paper with audio symbol

Transcripts and captions

Media on our website provides transcripts and captions for audio and video content.


We believe in building websites that prioritize environmental and social sustainability. Digital technologies have a big impact on our planet. We aim to create positive change through intentional design decisions by leveraging the framework of the United Nation’s 17 Goals of Sustainable Development.